Friday, June 29, 2007
Fine, I'm lazy.
Yes it is.
But now that it's been pointed out to me, I decided to take a few minutes to change it. I hope the new and improved blog links bring you delight and inspiration.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I thought it seemed chilly... hell just froze over.

Only two weeks ago I had a personal brush with one blond and ridiculously skinny Victoria Beckham who literally caused a scene at the Saddle Ranch while I was trying to ride the mechanical bull.
I have no idea what she was doing at a place famous for serving up ribs, steaks and burgers on enormous platters, but she created quite a commotion. Thanks to her reality show gig, her appearance brought with it a crew toting cameras, lights, and clipboards and people with headsets whispering and pointing around the restaurant, plus the usual entourage. Not exactly the backdrop I wanted for my mechanical bull debut.
Anyway, now I hear that all the girls are getting together for a tour. It's sad really. I mean, they're all moms (Baby Spice is pregnant now) and none of them have managed to make it with a solo career. On top of that, they are planning to release a new album and a documentary that will supposedly show "the gritty side" of the Spice Girls, whatever that means.
Oh and did I mention the sad reality that what was once popular is not likely to remain popular? Good luck to you girls. And when I say "good luck to you" I don't mean it.
Read all about the horror here.Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Really? Now this is happening?

The three-sided wraparound billboard will be unveiled July 1 in Times Square with online ads expected to follow on Gawker, Salon and

Sunday, June 24, 2007
"I wish we could just interview homeless people" - Kelly
Among our adventures (day 1 with the undergraduate account management intern and day 2 with Kelly), we saw a topless man with war paint on his face driving an old convertible roadster, talked to some kids about skateboarding, learned that a car wash includes choosing between 15 different interior scents (pina colada?), and discovered that google maps is not always right.
I'm capping off the weekend by watching 15 movies in fast forward to find appropriate video clips for a montage I'm assembling. Finding these movies involved the grueling task of digging through the assortment of DVDs Blockbuster has organized in a fun system called chaos. Not only are the movies not in any sort of alphabetical order but they are also not necessarily grouped in the appropriate genre. What should have taken 10 minutes ate up over 45 minutes of time. Not surprisingly the staff was little help, and since it was midnight on a Saturday, I wasn't expecting any overwhelming displays of customer service. First the guy tried to use someone else's card to check out my movies and seemed surprised when I told him I wasn't Simon Garcia. Then he charged me to rent a movie that was missing the DVD. "Oh, good eye," the guy said, after I showed him the empty case. Uh, no dude, it's not my eyes that are good. It's my brain. But that's just me.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The difference between non-smoker and never-smoker
But that stuff only affects pack-a-day smokers, right? Not so fast, says Canada.

Leave it to the smarty-pants Canucks to launch an effort to talk to those "non-smokers" who still carry a pack and a lighter.
Now if only we could find something to affect the "There are no calories if I eat it in my car" and the "I'm not an alcoholic if I remember his name" demos.

Monday, June 18, 2007
Lifesavers are so sweet...

I've always loved ads for Lifesavers and this campaign is no exception.
Life Savers - Muffin Top on DHADM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I can't even draw a circle that connects...
Saturday, June 9, 2007
LA driving adventures

I finally got internet access although it's a totally unreliable wireless signal. I actually spent a good part of the last week driving around looking for free wi-fi, but it's a lot harder than I thought.
In my first week in LA, I've already gone through $60 of gas, from driving to the gym to work and back to just driving around getting lost. When people talk about how bad traffic is in LA, they're not kidding. It's pretty incredible that there are so many cars on the road at all hours of the day and night and all over this huge metropolitan sprawl. The good part of it that I've done some fun exploring (mostly along the beach) and seen some really cool stuff.